♦️We are the Church of the LORD God, the Creator of heaven and earth, who sent the prophets to announce the coming of our LORD and God Jesus Christ, the Son of God, through whom everything was created, who redeemed us on the cross, reconciling us with the heavenly Father and promising us that we will be partakers in His kingdom.
♦️We are dedicated to spreading the gospel of the kingdom to everyone within our reach. We also strive to share the Holy Bible as it was written by the saints of the LORD, guided by the Holy Spirit, to save as many people as possible who have gone astray in worshiping other gods.
♦️The Holy Bible is currently available in both Arabic and English.
The number of books in the Holy Bible is 66 books (39 books in the Old Testament – 27 books in the New Testament).
The number of chapters in the Holy Bible is 1189 chapters (929 chapters in the Old Testament – 260 chapters in the New Testament).
Our website features the original King James Version in English, and the Arabic version is based on the Van Dyke translation, universally adopted in all churches in the Middle East, with the substitution of the term “Allah” with “Al-Elah” (The God).
♦️Why did we remove the term “Allah” and replace it with “Al-Elah”?
About 1400 years ago, the imposition of the name “Allah” as the deity began, after it had been restricted only to the pagans in the Arabian Peninsula.
Churches in the Middle East were forced to accept Arabization and consider this term equivalent to any translation of Al-Elah (God), ignoring the fact that Muhammad’s father (Abduallah) was a pagan. Allah is merely the name of the greatest idol in Quraysh that unified all idols and gods worshipped by the Arabs in ancient times.
♦️Today, for the first time in over 1000 years, a Christian can read the Holy Bible without the term “Allah”, a term that has caused the demise of all those who believed in it, praying and prostrating to it without any response.
The term “Allah” (as Arab Muslims themselves attest in their book) is the master of deceivers, the grandfather of jinn, and the sender of Muhammad who forced humanity to embrace faith in this name against their will. Allah is not the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ; rather, Allah is opposed to the name of Jesus, opposed to His crucifixion, opposed to His resurrection, and opposed to everything stated in the Gospel.
I refrained from uttering the name of Allah, and as a result, I was blessed by the true God whom they led all of humanity away from worshipping. The term “Al-Elah” originally existed in the Holy Bible before the term “Allah” was inserted into it. The term “Al-Elah” is derived from the Aramaic-Hebrew term “Elah” which was used by Jesus Christ Himself.
♦️The Holy Bible is now also available in audio and video, recorded by Mother Maggie Khozam in a total of 1189 episodes covering both the Old and New Testaments.
We pray that the LORD God blesses all those who love the Holy Bible.